Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Faculty

John F. Berry

Position title: Lester R. McNall Professor of Chemistry


Eszter Boros

Credentials: Hall-Fisher Associate Professor of Chemistry, Affiliate Professor for the Department of Medical Physics, School of Medicine and Public Health

Position title: Associate Professor


BSc/MSc – University of Zurich (2003-2006/2007) PhD – University of British Columbia (2007-2011) Postdoc – Harvard Medical School (2011-2015) Instructor – Harvard Medical School (2015-2017) Assistant Professor – Stony Brook University (2017-2022) Associate Professor –…

Andrew R. Buller

Position title: Associate Professor of Chemistry


Jonathan W. Engle

Position title: Associate Professor


Dawei Feng

Position title: Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemistry


Ive Hermans

Position title: John and Dorothy Vozza Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering


Song Jin

Position title: Francis J. DiSalvo Professor of Physical Science


Clark Landis

Position title: Professor of Chemistry


Jeff Martell

Position title: Assistant Professor of Chemistry


Cathy Middlecamp

Position title: Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies Professor and Professor of Chemistry


Monica Neugebauer

Position title: Assistant Professor


Bio: Neugebauer, Monica E.

Sam Pazicni

Position title: Assistant Professor of Chemistry


Marcel Schreier

Position title: Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry


Shannon Stahl

Position title: Professor of Chemistry, Steenbock Professor of Chemical Sciences


Daniel Weix

Position title: Wayland E. Noland Distinguished Professor of Chemistry


Zach Wickens

Position title: Associate Professor of Chemistry


Tehshik P. Yoon

Position title: Professor of Chemistry, Associate Chair for the Graduate Program, Director of Graduate Studies


Inorganic Labs

  • Berry Group

    The Berry Group focuses on coordination chemistry which is the synthesis, structures, spectroscopy, and electronic structure of new types of transition metal complexes.

  • Boros Group

    The Boros Group develops metal-based molecular imaging probes and therapeutics for personalized medicine.

  • Brunold Group

    The Brunold Group investigates the geometric and electronic properties, and thus the reactivity, of metal centers in proteins and cofactors through combined spectroscopic and computational studies of key enzymatic states and synthetic inorganic model complexes.

  • Buller Group

    The Buller Group research is focussed on how to engineer new biocatalytic reactions and do so with a broad substrate scope, a major challenge in enzymology.

  • Choi Group

    Research in the Choi Group employs electrochemistry as the primary synthetic tool to fabricate various solid-state materials as thin film-type electrodes and catalysts for electrochemical and photoelectrochemical applications critical to creating a sustainable future.

  • Fredrickson Laboratory

    The Fredrickson Lab research aims to elucidate the chemical principles underlying the structures of the solid-state compounds that form upon alloying metals together: intermetallic compounds.

  • Goldsmith Group

    The Goldsmith Group is developing new technology for controlling how light interacts with molecules, often at the level of single molecules.

  • Hermans Group

    The Hermans Group is a multidisciplinary team, focusing on both fundamental and applied aspects of sustainable chemistry and catalysis.

  • Jin Group

    The Jin Group is interested in the chemistry, physics, and technological applications of nanoscale and solid-state materials.

  • Martell Group

    The Martell Group develops catalysts that merge the benefits of enzymes and synthetic chemistry, with applications spanning sustainable synthesis, chemical biology, and plastic recycling.

  • Pazicni Group

    Work in the Pazicni Group falls under the broad scope of chemistry education research.

  • Schomaker Group

    The Schomaker Group specializes in synthetic organic chemistry.

  • Stahl Group

    The Stahl Group's research focuses on the field of catalysis and draws upon and impacts several areas of chemistry.

  • Weix Group

    The Weix research program is focused on the development of conceptually new catalytic methods for organic synthesis.

  • Wickens Group

    The primary focus of the Wickens Group is the discovery of new catalytic principles that can be leveraged to precisely control chemical reactivity.

  • Wright Group

    The Wright Group focuses on using nonlinear spectroscopy as a tool to study a vast array of different molecular and material states--from low-energy vibrational modes of proteins to excitonic and ionized states of quantum dots and everything in between--and their coherent dynamics.

  • Yoon Group

    The central goal of research in the Yoon Group is to develop strategies for the controlled synthesis of complex organic molecules.

  • Feng Group (Affiliate)

    The Feng Group focuses on the development of novel solid electrolytes and cathode materials for high-power and high-energy-density electrochemical energy storage devices.

  • Neugebauer Laboratory (Affiliate)

    The Neugebauer Lab is interested in the discovery, characterization, and evolution of enzymes for biocatalysis and chemical biology.

  • Schreier Laboratory (Affiliate)

    Since most existing chemical processes rely on hydrocarbons as feedstocks and energy carriers, the Schreier Lab employs our understanding of electrochemical interfaces towards developing the science for converting hydrocarbons using electrical energy.

  • UW-Madison Cyclotron Lab (Affiliate)

    Jonathan W. Engle is an Associate Professor in the departments of Medical Physics and Radiology at the University of Wisconsin with affiliations in Chemistry and Engineering Physics.