Cathy Middlecamp
Position title: Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies Professor and Professor of Chemistry
Phone: 608.263.5647
64 Science Hall
Madison, WI 53706
- Research Website
- Middlecamp Group

- Office of Sustainability, director for education and research
- B.S. 1972, Cornell University
- M.S. 1989, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Education
- Ph.D. 1976, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Chemistry
My work is at the intersection of science, people, culture, and the real world issues that we as humans face on this planet. My current work includes:
UW-Madison Office of Sustainability – Currently serving as the faculty director for education and research.
ACS Division of Chemical Education (CHED) – Currently serving as the chair of the finance committee, 2015-2017 chair of the Division, 2003-2005, program chair.
Chemistry in Context – A project of the American Chemical Society. Author 3rd-6th editions, Editor-in-Chief, 7th and 8th editions.
SENCER, Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities. Senior Associate, 2000-present.
AWIS (Association for Women in Science), National Executive Board, Secretary (2007-2009), Councilor (1999-2000).
Chemistry Learning Center, director 1989-2011.
Real-world problems and engaging societal issues can and do draw students into the world of chemistry. In turn, these issues can draw chemists into the world of people. The graduate students who teach with me in either course have opportunities to explore both chemical content and innovative pedagogies that they may not have experienced in their prior training.
At present, my time is devoted to the question of how what our students learn in chemistry can make a difference not only in their lives, but also in the health and well-being of all communities on our planet, both present and future.