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Academic Support

Numerous resources within the Department of Chemistry and across campus are available to support the academic success of chemistry students.

All the learning support resources on this page except for the last one (Private Tutors for Hire) are free to UW-Madison students. Most campus tutoring services listed below operate fall and spring semesters only, not during the summer term. Only resources marked with an asterisk (*) are affiliated with the Department of Chemistry.

TA/TS Office Hours and Help Desks*

The Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Teaching Specialists (TSs) associated with your course are available to help you! Depending on the course, TAs/TSs will have either office hours or staff a Help Desk. Details are available on your Canvas course website and from your TA or course instructor.

Help Desk Schedule | Spring 2025

Instructor Office Hours*

Your faculty or staff course instructor has office hours, and students are strongly encouraged to utilize them. You will not only help yourself by getting your questions answered, but you will also help the instructor learn what concepts students are confused about! Some instructors also use Piazza to respond to student questions.

Chemistry Learning Center*

The Chemistry Learning Center (CLC) supports students in introductory chemistry courses (103, 104, and 108) and in some sections of organic chemistry. They welcome as many students as possible but unfortunately do not have sufficient resources to support all students seeking help. The Center is partially funded to work with students in programs such as CeO, PEOPLE, Posse, and CAE. They also try to welcome Chancellor and PK Scholars, McBurney Center students, students on probation, new transfer students, students away from college more than 4 years, and students at-risk of failing the course. These are general guidelines and they consider each student on a case-by-case basis. Program eligibility is usually determined by an interview with a staff member. Visit the CLC’s website to learn more.

Chemistry Learning Center Website

Alpha Chi Sigma

Alpha Chi Sigma Coat of Arms

Alpha Chi Sigma (AXS) is a co-ed professional chemistry fraternity that offers free peer tutoring from 5:30 to 7:30 PM on Mondays in Chemistry room 2311 and Thursdays in Chemistry room B344 for the Spring 2025 semester. Please direction questions about AXS tutoring to

Alpha Chi Sigma Website

Greater University Tutoring Services

“The Greater University Tutoring Service (GUTS) is a Registered Student Organization (RSO) dedicated to connecting UW students with volunteer tutors for assistance with academic courses, study skills, conversational English, and intercultural exchange. We provide free tutoring and mentoring to hundreds of students and university affiliates each semester!”

View the GUTS Website

Peer Learning Association

The Peer Learning Association (PLA) is a student organization that facilitates students-working-with-students in small study groups. They work with some General and Organic Chemistry lecture sections, but not all. Your instructor will notify you if the PLA is working with your class.

View the PLA Website

University Housing Tutoring

University Housing offers free tutoring in the residence halls for chemistry and other high enrollment courses. See their website for hours and locations.

View the University Housing Website

Undergraduate Learning Center

The College of Engineering Undergraduate Learning Center (ULC) provides academic support for students interested in engineering. Their drop-in tutoring in Wendt Commons is free and open to any student enrolled in the courses the ULC offers.

View the ULC Website

Private Tutors for Hire

 For students seeking more individualized tutoring, the Department of Chemistry maintains a list of private tutors available for hire. Although the private tutors included on the list have been affiliated with the department in some way, we provide this list as a resource and cannot guarantee the quality of any individual private tutor.

View Chemistry Learning Support Services and Private Tutor List

Chemistry Communication Office

Kimberly Hazen, Marketing and Communications Manager can help graduate students with their social media presence, update professional photos, and critique their writing. Graduate students interested in science communication can get practice by publishing in chemistry publications.

Chemistry Library

Ariel Andrea, Chemistry Librarian, provides training in scientific literature review, electronic lab notebook technology, citation management, and other research skills.

Community & Diversity Committee

The goal of the Community & Diversity Committee is to ensure that the Chemistry Department has a welcoming environment, address individual and general concerns regarding climate, and develop strategies to increase overall well-being and diversity within the department. The members of the Climate/Diversity Committee welcome your input and suggestions, and are happy to assist you with any needs and concerns pertaining to gender, ethnic, cultural, racial, and any other types of biases.

Dean of Students Office (DoSO)

The DoSO assists students with a variety of concerns by working directly with them and connecting them to appropriate resources on campus. They are committed to fostering a caring environment for all students. Responsibilities include the Bias Reporting Process, addressing Sexual Assault, Dating, and Domestic Violence, as well as many other issues affecting student wellbeing. DoSO also consults with and serves as a resource for faculty and staff, parents, families, and friends, working together to serve students.

Graduate Program Office

The GPO can answer questions about requirements specific to the chemistry graduate program.

Prof. Helen Blackwell, Associate Chair for the Graduate Program

Francisca Jofre, Graduate Program Director

Erin Grunewald, Graduate Program Coordinator

McBurney Disability Resource Center

The McBurney Disability Resource Center is the office for students with disabilities and classroom accommodations on the UW-Madison campus. As part of the student accommodation process, they work collaboratively with students and instructors to provide and support effective student accommodations.

University Health Services (UHS)

University Health Services is the UW–Madison student health center, with a mission to enhance learning and student success by promoting, protecting, and restoring health and well-being. UHS offers high-quality medical, mental health, prevention, and wellness services to enrolled UW–Madison students. Our medical services include a primary care clinic and specialty clinics for immunizations, women’s health, travel, and sexual health. Mental health services include individual, couple/partner, and group counseling, crisis counseling, campus-based services, and psychiatric services

University Ombuds Office

The Ombuds Office comprises emeritus university faculty or staff who work confidentially and independently from university administration. They can listen to your concerns, clarify procedures, discuss options, and if requested and appropriate, serve as an intermediary in disputes.

The Writing Center

The Writing Center welcomes graduate students in all disciplines to take advantage of both our individual instruction and our workshops. While the subject matter of your particular area of study may be beyond the realm of our expertise, we can offer the perspective of experienced generalists in the field of academic writing. Good writing in any field should be intelligible on some level even to an outsider; our ability to follow and understand your argument is a useful indicator of the clarity and coherence of your prose. And as experienced writing instructors, we know how to identify and clarify the principles most relevant to your writing.