Tower Crane. Removal of the tower crane began Sunday with partial closing of University Avenue. The large movable crane that was used to erect the tower crane was installed in the closed lanes and its extension boom was attached. However, bad weather Monday morning prevented much from happening after that. As soon as the weather clears and winds die down, the main boom of the movable crane will be extended and removal of the tower crane itself can begin.
New Tower. New exhaust fans and stacks have been installed on the rooftop of the new tower. These, along with the air handlers on the ninth and tenth floors, are part of the “heart-lung transplant” that will improve ventilation in both Daniels and Mathews as part of the construction project. Once connected to the large duct that runs around the periphery of the Daniels rooftop, these fans will take over the job of exhausting air from fume hoods in much of our building complex.
Wi-Fi Upgrade. Work by DoIT and FP&M to upgrade the WiFi system in the chemistry building began Friday, October 9. This involves installation of new ceiling- and wall-mounted devices and relocation or removal of old devices. A construction crew of two to four electricians will need access to corridors, offices, and labs throughout our building complex. As the crew works through different parts of the building, they will need to switch over to the new WiFi system. The switchover will involve short interruptions in WiFi service.
Work involves approximately two days per floor and will follow this schedule:
floor 9 Daniels
floor 1 Shain / Mathews
floor B Shain / Mathews
floor 8 Daniels
floor 7 Daniels
floor 6 Mathews / Daniels
Information about the schedule of subsequent phases is not yet available, but the WiFi upgrade will eventually include each floor of our building complex, with the exception of floors B,1,2 Daniels. (WiFi in those areas will be upgraded as part of the renovation that will occur as phase 2 of the big construction project.)
The scope of this construction activity is limited so there is no reason to close floors or labs. Each individual, of course, is free to make their own decision about whether or not they wish to work in the building when construction is occurring in their area. The construction crew will follow all COVID-19 precautions dictated by the University and the State of Wisconsin. Construction activities typically begin at about. 6:00-7:00 am and are completed by about 3:00-3:30 pm.
Fire Protection. Sprinkler pipe installation is currently underway on the second floor of Mathews on October 5.
Construction in the Mathews and Daniels stairwells continues through October 16. A construction crew is drilling holes in stairwell landings and installing electrical components of the fire sprinkler system. The construction crew works inside each stairwell, although it may be necessary from time to time for them to be in the corridor immediately outside the stairwell. Noise and vibration will necessarily accompany drilling through the floor. Please do not use a stairwell if the crew has posted notices / cones / hazard tape. The east Daniels stairwell (floors B, 1, 2) will not be affected, nor will stairwells in Shain tower.
Starting Monday, October 19, workers will be enhancing the fire alarm system by upgrading equipment in the telecom closets directly to the north of the Daniels elevators on each floor. Access to these rooms is through labs on most floors and through classrooms on floors B – 2. To carry out their work in the telecom closets, members of the construction crew will need to be in and out of these labs and classrooms during the week of October 19. They will require a clear path of access to the telecom closet. Some of the work requires crew members to work on several floors at the same time.
This construction activity is limited, so there is no need to close labs or sections of the building. Each person, of course, is free to make their own decision about whether they wish to work in the lab during the construction period. Construction activities typically begin at about 6:00-7:00 am and are completed by about 3:00-3:30 pm.
This information is up to date as of Monday morning. Email bulletins will be provided as needed.
We thank Gerald David and Miron Construction for photos used in this newsletter issue.
John Moore and Bob McMahon