Preliminary Schedule – WiFi network upgrade
Work beginning Fri Oct 9; approximately two days of work per floor
floor 9 Daniels
floor 1 Shain / Mathews
floor B Shain / Mathews
floor 8 Daniels
floor 7 Daniels
floor 6 Mathews / Daniels
The Facilities Committee does not feel that it is necessary to close an entire floor for this limited scope of construction activity. Each individual, of course, is free to make their own decision about whether or not they wish to work in the building when construction is occurring in their area. The construction crew will follow all COVID-19 precautions dictated by the University and the State of Wisconsin. FYI – construction activities typically begin at approx. 6:00-7:00 am and are completed by ca. 3:00-3:30 pm.