Month: September 2018
Solar cell, married to liquid battery, achieves record efficiency
Annual GSFLC Snout Out boasts food and fun
By Rebeca L. Fernandez Graduate Student, Brunold Group September 25, 2018, Madison, WI – The Graduate Student-Faulty Liaison Committee (GSFLC) celebrated its 35th annual Snout-Out departmental picnic and softball tournament. Named after the original tradition of …
The ACS 2019 national award winner list includes four from UW-Madison’s Department of Chemistry
ACS released the names of its national award winners this week, and five are from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, four of whom work for the Department of Chemistry. Robert McMahon, professor of chemistry, won the Arthur …
Goldsmith group makes molecular movies, featured on Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation video website.
Joshua Coon receives award from Human Proteome Organization
IPiB faculty member Joshua Coon, a professor of chemistry and biomolecular chemistry, has received the Discovery in Proteomic Sciences Award from the Human Proteome Organization.
NSF awards UW $3 million to advance quantum physics, technology
Construction Update 9/24/2018
Changes are continuing outside the building. The intermittent closings of the north crosswalk at Charter and Johnson Streets at the end of last week signal the beginning of the end of Johnson St. work, which should be …
Construction begins on $133 million revamp of Chemistry Building
September 17, 2018 By Eric Hamilton (Originally published here.) By the time they graduate, more than half of the students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison will have taken a chemistry course, a demonstration of the central role …
Construction Update 9/17/2018
Last Friday we had a very successful groundbreaking ceremony for our new chemistry building. Both Dean Karl Scholz and Chancellor Rebecca Blank praised our department in their remarks and lots of people put shovels into …