Move-in Postponed We regret having to report that move-in to the new tower has been postponed. At this writing we do not know how long the postponement will be, but later this week we expect …
Month: June 2021
Research Forward funds project to discover new RNA therapies
Research Forward, formerly known as the UW2020: WARF Discovery Initiative, will fund 11 projects across campus for up to two years. The new initiative is supported by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF). One project funded, …
NSF award to establish network for advanced NMR across three institutions
The University of Wisconsin–Madison will join a first-of-its-kind collaborative network for nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, which researchers use to probe large biological molecules like proteins and RNA.
Today, the National Science Foundation announced a $40 million award to establish the Network for Advanced NMR (NAN) linking three institutions: UConn School of Medicine, the University of Georgia and UW–Madison’s National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison.
Construction Update 06/14/2021
Daniels Three-day Exhaust Interruptions The series of rolling three-day shutdowns of fume hoods in the Daniels wing that is the final step in the heart-lung transplant to improve ventilation in the Mathews and Daniels wings …
Construction Update 06/01/2021
New Tower The main entrance to the new tower, at the corner of Mills Street and University Avenue, is now essentially complete and it looks great—lots of Wisconsin red! Landscaping work around the tower has …