Partial Move Accomplished We have started to move! On Monday, July 26 movers from C. Coakley transferred all of the equipment, instruments, and glassware that support analytical chemistry instruction from their temporary quarters Medical Sciences …
Chemistry Building Project Weekly Updates
Construction Update 07/12/2021
Earliest Move-in Is Late August Two weeks ago we reported that move-in to the new tower had been postponed because elevators in the new tower had failed their pressurization test. We now have a tentative …
Construction Update 06/28/2021
Move-in Postponed We regret having to report that move-in to the new tower has been postponed. At this writing we do not know how long the postponement will be, but later this week we expect …
Construction Update 06/14/2021
Daniels Three-day Exhaust Interruptions The series of rolling three-day shutdowns of fume hoods in the Daniels wing that is the final step in the heart-lung transplant to improve ventilation in the Mathews and Daniels wings …
Construction Update 06/01/2021
New Tower The main entrance to the new tower, at the corner of Mills Street and University Avenue, is now essentially complete and it looks great—lots of Wisconsin red! Landscaping work around the tower has …
Construction Update 05/17/2021
New Tower Completion Postponed Although the exterior of the new tower is now fully enclosed and looks great, there remains much to do inside the building. Consequently, the date when we can move into the …
Construction Update 05/10/2021
New Tower This week the exterior of the new tower will finally be complete—and it looks great! The north façade, along University Avenue, was finished last week, and the east side, along Mills Street, has …
Construction Update 05/03/2021
Heart-Lung Transplant: Complications The Mathews wing continues to be closed to all occupants, probably through May 6. During testing of the new exhaust system in Mathews last Friday, April 30, a large piece of an …
Construction Update 04/26/2021
Heart-Lung Transplant Nearly Complete The Mathews wing continues to be closed to all occupants through April 30, so that the old exhaust system can be replaced with a new exhaust system that uses fans in …
Construction Update 04/19/2021
New Tower In addition to finishing the facades of the new tower, a lot more exterior work remains to be accomplished before we can move in. For example, sidewalks need to be completed, planters finished, …