Mills Street. As this is being written, “Big Red”, the crane that has been lifting exhaust plenum parts to the roof of Daniels, is being taken down. The crane has moved to the Johnson-Street end of Mills Street, its luffer has been lowered, and the crane now extends almost all the way from Johnson Street to University Avenue. Later it will be taken apart and loaded onto trucks for transport to its next job. By next week Mills Street should partially re-open.
Big Red has completed its job of lifting the exhaust plenum and air handlers and other exhaust equipment to the rooftops of Daniels and the new tower. Before that, the red crane lifted countless items to each floor as the building went up. By now the building is sufficiently enclosed that the crane is used less. The tower crane on the University Avenue side and the skip hoist on the east side of the tower continue to lift materials to various floors. Work has begun on elevators in the tower and by September it should be possible to move construction materials using the elevators that eventually will move students up and down in the new tower.
New Tower. The upper floors of the tower continue to be built out. On the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors ventilation ducts, electrical conduits, pipes and plumbing fixtures, and wall studs have been installed. Stairs have been completed up to the sixth-floor level. On the eighth floor drains and fire sprinklers are in place. Metal studs and door frames have been delivered and are awaiting installation. The photos below show how much has been accomplished.
Loading-Dock Area. Another part of the project will be completed this week: The acid-dilution tank has been installed to the north of the loading dock and gravel is being backfilled around the tank. Other work continues in this area. Excavation for sanitary and storm sewers serving the new tower begins later this week and electrical duct banks will be excavated and constructed next week and the following week.
Fire Protection. Fire-protection installation on the Mathews fifth floor is nearly complete and the floor should re-open Wednesday, July 8. Work on the fourth floor begins this week. In Shain tower, installation of new electrical components for the existing sprinkler system will take place on the fourth-floor mechanical area in Shain this week.
This information is up to date as of Monday morning. Email bulletins will be provided as needed.
We are indebted to Gerald David, and Miron Construction for photographs in this report.
John Moore and Bob McMahon