The X-ray crystallography and mass spectrometry facilities will be closed next week until July 22nd for the sprinkler project. Please plan accordingly.
Day: July 9, 2020
Construction & Stairwells
Stairwells in the Mathews and Daniels wings will be under construction next week (week of July 13). A construction crew will core holes in the floor of stairwell landings. At a later date, vertical riser …
Construction in public spaces on 2nd floor, 1st floor
The coming weeks will bring construction in public areas of the building complex. This work is being done, now, when building occupancy is relatively low, in order to complete the work before the arrival of …
Construction Update 07/06/20
Mills Street. As this is being written, “Big Red”, the crane that has been lifting exhaust plenum parts to the roof of Daniels, is being taken down. The crane has moved to the Johnson-Street end …