Undergraduate Office Welcomes Luke Maroney

Jeanne Wellman (jlwellman@wisc.edu) was an limited term employee (LTE) who has worked with us since August. Her last day in Chemistry was Wednesday, Nov. 26. Please join me in thanking her for her work and wishing her well in her new position at the Chazen Museum.

Luke Maroney (lmaroney@wisc.edu) will be joining the office in a permanent position as undergraduate services specialist, beginning Thursday, Dec. 4. Originally from the state of Oregon, Luke has a bachelor’s degree from Portland Sate University in communication studies. More recently, he has worked in the Chicago area. Please join me in welcoming Luke to the department later this week.

Once Luke has a chance to settle in, he will be taking the lead on room reservations. In the meantime, please contact Nora Burnham (nburnham@wisc.edu) or Phill Bloedow (bloedow@chem.wisc.edu) for your room reservation requests.