Robert Newberry, a graduate student in the Raines group, has received an ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Fellowship. Newberry will present a poster on his research at the 2015 National Organic Symposium at the University of Maryland.
Tyler Slade, an undergraduate researcher in the Jin group, has received a Sustainability Innovation in Research and Education-Research Experience for Undergraduates (SIRE-REU) award that will support his contributions to research in the Jin group. The program, supported by the Office of Sustainability, encourages undergraduates to build research expertise in sustainability-related fields. Slade’s research focuses on nanomaterial production for solar energy applications.
Alison Wendlandt, a graduate student in the Stahl group, received an Alfred R. Bader Award for Student Innovation in Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology, sponsored by Sigma-Aldrich. Wendlandt gave a presentation on her research at an award symposium in August.