12 Chemistry Students Receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Each year, the National Science Foundation (NSF) awards graduate research fellowships to outstanding graduate students in order to “help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce in the United States.” The program provides three years of support to applicants to have demonstrated potential for significant research achivements.

For 2013, 12 current Department of Chemistry graduate students received fellowships. They are: Larry Anderson (Strieter Group), Phillip Calabretta (Kiessling Group), Erin Gemperline (Li Group), Mimi Hang (Hamers Group), Britta Johnson (Sibert Group), Michelle Killian (Brunold Group), Chris Lietz (Li Group), Tom McDonough (Zanni Group), Lieth Samad (Jin Group), Mitchell Thayer (Keutsch Group), Mary Van Vleet (Schmidt Group), and Angela Varela (Cavagnero Group).

Learn more about the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship program, or view all recipients.