Jerry Stamn, Tom Ladell & Bruce Goldade Win L&S Classified Staff Excellence Awards

We’re delighted to report that three of our staff have won College of Letters and Science Classified Staff Excellence Awards. They are:

Jerry Stamn – Supervisor category

Tom Ladell – Blue collar category

Bruce Goldade – Administrative support category

These three are well known to all of you, with Jerry supervising the machine shop, Tom doing Lab Prep work in the general chemistry instructional stockroom, and Bruce as manger of the duplicating center. In fact, chemistry department staff received an award in all three of the eligible categories for this award. This is a clear recognition of the excellence and dedication that our staff bring to our department.

I’d like to personally take this opportunity to congratulate Jerry, Tom, and Bruce. Additionally, I’d like to acknowledge the many other very deserving staff who didn’t win awards this year, but we hope will win awards in the future! All of us in the department appreciate what do you to make this a department to be proud of!

Please join me in congratulating Jerry, Tom, and Bruce. You can reach them by email at:,,