Taylor Award Recipients Announced

Léa Gustin

Léa Gustin, Assistant General Chemistry Lab Director has won the James W. Taylor Award for Teaching Excellence. Due to personal circumstances, Gustin did not be present at the 2023 symposium, but she will be presenting at the 2024 symposium, along with next year’s awardee. The following individuals were this year’s recipients of the Outstanding Chemistry Teaching Assistant Awards:

Jon Ellis (organic)
Zac Faitz (analytical)
Kristel Forlano (analytical)
Nicole Greco (organic)
Bob Hu (instrumentation/organic)
Rachel Hutchinson (physical)
Alan Lee (general)
Nathan Loud (organic)
Ryan McDonnell (physical)
Joshua Miller (inorganic)
Ellie Plachinski (organic)
Julia Rasch (general)
Madeleine Roberts (inorganic)

The Department of Chemistry also had three excellent nominees for the campus-wide TA awards. These awards are highly competitive and we are proud of their contributions to the department.

Philip Lampkin – The Innovation in Teaching Award recognizes TAs who bring extraordinary creativity to their work and have developed or adapted teaching methods or techniques in new and innovative ways.

Madeleine Roberts – The Capstone Ph.D. Teaching Award recognizes TAs who have performed as outstanding teachers throughout their UW–Madison tenure. This category honors TAs who are dissertators at the end of their graduate program and planning to defend their dissertations by the end of the academic year.

Cara Schwarz – The Dorothy Powelson Teaching Assistant Award recognizes outstanding performances by TAs in the natural sciences.

Congratulations to this year’s awardees and nominees.