New Tower
It has been some time since we described progress inside the new tower and there is a lot to describe. On all floors workers continue to install infrastructure: electrical conduits, breaker boxes, outlets, and other devices; communications cabling and devices in conjunction with UW-Madison DoIT; water and wastewater piping, sinks, drains, sprinklers, and toilet rooms; and ventilation ductwork.
More importantly, from the instructional standpoint, laboratories and other spaces are beginning to look like what we are familiar with. Casework is being installed, some sinks are in place, and fume hoods are on top of some benches. Most walls are in place ready to be painted, frames for glass walls have been built, terrazzo and other floors have been laid, and doors are going in. Much work remains to be done, but things are well along the path to completion next summer.
Viewing Progress from the Outside
Last week we received from Miron Construction a five-minute, time-lapse video that shows how the exterior of our new building has grown from a large excavation to a nine-story tower between May 2019 and December 2020. (Here is something good that happened in 2020!) The video can be seen at
Construction at North End of Daniels Began 4-Jan 2021
The new tower will be connected to the existing Daniels wing at the fourth and fifth floors, as well as from the second floor down to the sub-basement. On Monday, January 4, 2021 construction will begin to reconfigure the corridors at the north end of the Daniels building and accommodate doorways to the new building.
4th-floor work involves the reconfiguration of Rms. 4343 and 4351.
5th-floor work involves the demolition of Rms. 5341 and 5351.
3rd-floor work involves the reconfiguration of Rms. 3345 and 3351 and began Mon Jan 11, 2021. This construction work will be internal to these two rooms. It involves changes to ductwork to accommodate doorways to the new building on other floors. There will not be a connection to the new building on floor 3, but changes on floors 5 and 4 necessitate changes on floor 3.
Construction activities will not affect access to labs, offices, or the stairwell. Dust and debris will be contained behind construction barriers. There will be occasional noise and vibration. The work is expected to be complete in early March.
Graphic Schedule of Upcoming Events
Many different construction activities affect our building complex simultaneously. We summarize them graphically below.
This information is up to date as of Monday morning. Email bulletins will be provided as needed.
We thank Gerald David and Brett Jerdee of Miron Construction for images and video in this newsletter issue.
John Moore and Bob McMahon