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Abridged version of a news release from the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry

The American Chemical Society Organic Division released a new resource for organic chemists:
The idea and majority of the current content (~1500 html pages + 650 PDF files) is from the late emeritus Prof. Hans J. Reich (see feature on page 34), a pioneer in distribution of educational content via the world wide web, who served his entire professional academic career at UW–Madison.
Upon his untimely death in 2020, the division offered to assist in maintaining Reich’s extensive online resources, which impact the organic chemistry community worldwide. This new website contains a list of about 300 web-based resources on organic chemistry for quick access to high-quality information.
The linked pages have been selected for ease of use, broad applicability, and quality of coverage. Topics include:
• Reaction Info
• Chemical Data
• Spectroscopy Resources
• Organic Compound Info
• Safety
• Chemical Societies & Portals
• Literature Sources
• Laboratory Techniques
• Useful Software
• Resources for Educators & Students
• Organic Chemistry Videos
Website set-up and content conversion for use on a wide range of electronic devices was completed by the following volunteers: Khoi Van, Organic Division assistant webmaster, with initial oversight, support and direction from Brian Myers, Organic Division webmaster, and Joseph Ward, Organic Division head webmaster.
We are grateful to the University of Wisconsin–Madison (especially the Department of Chemistry) for their support in this project. We also graciously thank Dr. Ieva L. Reich, Hans Reich’s wife, and her family for supporting this project, where we are able to honor his 25+ years of website efforts in support of the broader organic chemistry community.
Reich Collection Highlights
• Comprehensive topics in NMR database
• NMR Spectral Database with approximately 650 high quality NMR spectra, which are searchable and grouped by functional group, molecular formula, NMR spin systems, techniques, multinuclear, and spectral level
• Information on some of the fundamentals of organic chemistry. e.g. pKa tables, electron pushing, A-values, nomenclature, organometallic chemistry (esp. organolithium reagents), pericyclic reactions, reduction and oxidation
• Approximately 700 total syntheses, searchable and categorized by compound name, named reactions used, chemoselectivity, rings formed, reaction types, reagents used and year of publication.