Construction Update 09/14/2020

New Tower. The exterior of the new tower is changing every day. More windows and decorative surfaces continue to be installed. On the east (Mills-Street) side of the tower, the yellow debris chute has been removed to allow access for the installation of more windows and decorative panels that continue around the tower from the University-Avenue side. Once the freight elevator is working inside the tower, which should be a few weeks from now, the skip hoist will also be removed from the east façade, allowing for completion of more of the exterior.

This week, the yellow debris chute is gone in preparation for extending the decorative "flash cube" around the building. The first photo was taken two weeks ago when the yellow debris-removal chute was intact.

Construction on the west, south, and north facades continues as well. On the south there are now windows in most of the offices and meeting rooms with southern exposure and the ninth-floor mechanical area is fully enclosed. On the west, all windows are in, but additional decorative facing remains to be installed. The same is true on the north except for an occasional window. Insulation and ceiling are being installed and glass walls are already in place in the Mills-University portico, outside the main entrance. The photos that follow take you around the building to see what has been completed to date.

Different angles of the new tower. Photo taken on September 14th, 2020.

Fire Protection. Sprinkler pipe installation is currently underway on the third floor of Mathews. Work is expected to extend from Monday, September 14 through Tuesday, October 6. Work will begin on the second floor of Mathews on October 5.

Work required by a mid-course improvement in the fire-protection design involves brief closures of certain floors in Daniels, Mathews, and Shain. On these floors, labs must be prepared for work on the fire alarms (not the sprinkler pipes). Here is the schedule for what remains of this work:

5th floor Mathews         closed September 14 – 16
4th floor Mathews         closed September 17 – 18

Preparing labs for this work involves removing hazards:

  1. Remove chemicals, glassware, and general clutter from lab benches
  2. Remove all items from drying racks
  3. Remove clutter from aisles

This information is up to date as of Monday morning. Email bulletins will be provided as needed.

John Moore and Bob McMahon