Construction Update 12/16/2019

From a Year Ago…to Now

It has been almost exactly a year since gross demolition began on the northern part of the Daniels wing: The old lecture rooms, some classrooms, parts of some labs, and the chemistry library have been demolished and a huge pit was excavated. Since then our new tower has risen from sub-basement level to the fourth-floor level. While there is still much to do in the lower floors, concrete will be poured for part of the fourth floor on Tuesday of this week. Stairwells, columns, and walls are rising apace and the fifth through ninth floors are yet to come. Then and now photos show the great progress to date:

building project construction

building project construction

building project construction

building project construction

Daniels. Last week pipes were installed and insulated in the northeast corner of the basement, first, and second floors of Daniels. The pipes will connect the new emergency generator in the sub-basement with a radiator on the second-floor roof. Also, this week cell-phone towers are being relocated from the Daniels rooftop to the Shain rooftop. You may see workers moving large pieces of equipment in the stairwells.

Loading Dock. The loading dock is expected to be closed from 4 am to 3 pm on Tuesday this week. There may be brief closures at unpredictable times.

This information is up to date as of Friday afternoon. Email bulletins will be provided as needed.
John Moore and Bob McMahon