Construction Update 7/30/2018

Bids Opened: The bids for the General Contractor of the Chemistry Building Project (new Tower, renovation of floors B, 1, and 2 of the Daniels Building, and installation of fire sprinklers + fire alarm system) were due on July 24 and were made public on July 27. Based on the bids, the contract has been awarded to Miron Construction. Work is expected to begin in September.

Groundbreaking Celebration: The Groundbreaking Celebration for the project will take place on Monday, August 13, at 3:30 p.m. at the Daniels Building portico outside the Mills Street Lobby. On the program as of now are Dean Scholz and Chancellor Blank plus others to be confirmed. The program is being planned for about 30 minutes, followed by refreshments.

Charter Street Steam Project: Work on the steam tunnels along Charter Street is scheduled to begin the week of July 30. Since the project will impede entrance to the chemistry loading dock, a new (temporary) access will be from University Ave. If you haven’t already, you will soon see trees coming down and earth disappearing from the grassy knoll abutting The Crossing.

We will continue to keep you updated on progress of these projects.

John Moore and Bob McMahon
for the Facilities Committee