Professor Abraham Nitzan will receive the 2017-18 Joseph O. Hirschfelder Prize in Theoretical Chemistry, administered by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Theoretical Chemistry Institute (TCI).
Nitzan is a professor of chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania. Among his main recognitions are the Humboldt Award, the Israel Chemical Society Prize (2004) and Medal (2015), the Emet Prize and the Israel Prize in Chemistry. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a Foreign Honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences and a member of the Israel Academy of Arts and Sciences.
“He’s an exceptional scientist,” says Professor and TCI Director Edwin Sibert. “His theoretical work has laid the foundation for several important areas of physical chemistry.”
TCI established the Joseph O. Hirschfelder Prize in Theoretical Chemistry in 1991 in response to a generous bequest from Professor Joseph O. Hirschfelder (1911-90) and his widow, Dr. Elizabeth S. Hirschfelder. Over the course of his 40-year career, Professor Hirschfelder established himself as a leader in teaching, research, and public service at the university and in the broader research community. The award commemorates his role as a pioneering member of the theoretical chemistry field, beginning in the late 1930s.
Nitzan will visit the UW-Madison Department of Chemistry October 16-18 to deliver three public lectures in 1315 Chemistry Building:
Monday, October 16 at 3:30 p.m.: “Adventures in Nanoland: Molecular Conduction and Beyond”
Tuesday, October 17 at 11 a.m.: “Transport and Spectroscopy in Illuminated Molecular Junctions”
Wednesday, October 18 at 3:30 p.m.: “Molecular Heat Transport and Energy Conversion”
Learn more about the Hirschfelder Prize.
Photo courtesy of University of Pennsylvania