Professor Bassam Shakhashiri Discusses the Wisconsin Idea on WPR

Professor Bassam Shakhashiri appeared as a guest on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Larry Meiller Show on Monday, April 13. The episode, “Triumphs and Failures of the Wisconsin Idea in the Area of Science,” is now posted on the WPR website.

During the show, Shakhashiri and Meiller discuss the history of the Wisconsin Idea, how UW-Madison research has benefitted Wisconsin residents and society throughout the institution’s history, and how UW-Madison can do more to address quality of life issues in every corner of Wisconsin.

Excerpts from the show:

Shakhashiri on the Wisconsin Idea (16:20):
“I still think we can do more, and we should do more. We should be further reaching to all corners of the state of Wisconsin and addressing issues that relate to the quality of life in every part of Wisconsin and talking about issues that relate to water quality, food production, health care. This is an awesome responsibility that we have.”

Shakhashiri on fostering dialog between the university community and Wisconsin citizens (18:45):
“I would like to see the citizens of Wisconsin ask for more connectivity with UW-Madison and with all institutions in the UW [System]. I’d like the citizens of Wisconsin—in addition to being so generous and supporting the teaching and research that goes on at this world-class university, I’d like them to be more actively engaged in requesting and wanting to learn more and contributing to decision-making and voting on important issues that affect the quality of life in our state. … We want to learn from our fellow citizens what their beliefs are as far as the Wisconsin Idea is concerned. What are their expectations of this great, world-class university? How do all the activities that we engage in—teaching, research, and public service—affect them?”

Learn more about Professor Bassam Shakhashiri and his Science is Fun research and outreach program.