Graduate students from the Department of Chemistry attend a variety of national conferences across the country. Since last fall, many students have received recognition for their poster presentations or research talks.
James Checco, Gellman group, presented a research talk titled “Peptide foldamer mimicry of the Z-domain scaffold” at the Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on the Chemistry and Biology of Peptides. Checco was selected by other attendees to present his talk at the full Gordon Research Conference (GRC) in February in Ventura, Calif.
At the same GRC, Younghee Shin, Gellman group, won second prize for her poster titled “Development of helical peptidomimetics: Heterogeneous peptide backbone with α-and preorganized β- and γ-amino acids.”
Fei Meng, Jin group, received a Graduate Student Silver Award from the Materials Research Society (MRS) at the Fall 2013 meeting in Boston, Mass. The MRS awards honor graduate students whose academic achievements and materials science research display a high level of excellence and distinction.
At the American Chemical Society (ACS) fall meeting in Indianapolis, Matt Faber, Jin group, won the ACS Division of Energy and Fuel R.A. Glenn Award, which recognizes one outstanding paper presented at the Division Symposium. Faber also won the Energy & Fuels Award at the ACS spring meeting in Dallas. This award recognized his research talk, “Earth-Abundant Transition Metal Pyrites for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis.”
Erin Boyle, Wright group, won a Society for Applied Spectroscopy outstanding poster award at the SciX conference in Milwaukee last October. Her poster was titled “Fully Coherent Hybrid Raman-IR Multimensional Spectroscopies.”