The 2013 James W. Taylor Excellence in Teaching Symposium, to be held on Dec. 6, will recognize Dr. Tony Jacob for more than a decade of leadership in student services. Jacob is director of the Chemistry Learning Center (CLC), which helps students become successful and independent learners in their general and organic chemistry courses. In addition to leading the CLC, Jacob has been involved with facilitating the Chemistry Peer Mentor Tutor Program and the Summer Enrichment Program for 7th-9th grade minority students.
The Symposium will feature presentations by Jacob and 2012 Taylor Award recipient Dr. Jeanne Hamers, undergraduate chemistry coordinator. Awards for exceptional Teaching Assistants will also be presented. This year’s award recipients are Sarah Decato from the Mecozzi group, Matt Faber from the Jin group, Ben Haenni from the McMahon group, Wyatt Merrill from the Crim and Keutsch groups, Josh Ricci from the Ediger group, Mike Shaloski from the Crim group, Willam Tucker from the Mecozzi group, and Amy Tatarsky who is a faculty assistant.
The Taylor Excellence in Teaching Award was endowed by the Pharmacia Corporation to honor Emeritus Professor James Taylor.