We are delighted to tell you that in recent weeks we have learned that Ieva Reich is being recognized with *THREE* different awards in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the teaching mission of the college, the campus, and the UW-System, as well as her service and leadership activities.
FIRST: Ieva is being awarded the Chancellor’s Hilldale Award for Excellence in Teaching.
SECOND: Ieva is being awarded the Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award. The Underkofler awards are given by the UW-System for academic staff in order to “recognize teaching of outstanding quality that leads to substantial intellectual growth in students”. Note that competition for this award is among all the colleges in the entire UW System, so this is truly an outstanding indication of the esteem to which Ieva’s contributions are held.
THIRD: Ieva has been awarded an L&S Mid-Career Award by the College of Letters and Science. This award “recognizes individuals who demonstrate outstanding performance in their position, leadership and service beyond their position, and substantial professional competency and promise of continuing contributions”, and consists of a plaque and a cash prize.
Please join us in congratulating Ieva three times in recognition of all of these outstanding honors!