Professor John Schrag Dies at Age 70

John Schrag, Emeritus Professor of Analytical Chemistry, died Thursday, Feb. 7, 2008, at his Madison home in the loving care of his family. He was 70. John joined the Department in 1970, and retired in January 2003. His research interests focused on the experimental determination of the influence of specific chemical structure together with polymer-solvent and polymer-polymer interactions, on the conformational dynamics of macromolecules in solution. In addition, John loved to teach, and he was the recipient of both the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Department of Chemistry Teaching Award. A more complete obituary can be found in the February 10, 2008, edition of The Wisconsin State Journal. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the John L. Schrag Analytical Research and Teaching Fund at the UW Foundation, Bethany United Methodist Church, or Hospice Care, Inc.