JCE Software Video Collection Wins the Pirelli International Award in Chemistry

JCE Software, a publication of the Journal of Chemical Education, has won the Pirelli International Award in Chemistry, the world’s first Internet multimedia award aimed at the diffusion of scientific and technological culture worldwide. The award is given in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and life sciences. The JCE entry in the chemistry category of the 11th Edition of the awards was the Chemistry Comes Alive! series–video of chemical reactions on 8 CD-ROMs. The prize consists of 15,000 euros, a plaque, and a trip to Rome for Jon Holmes, JCE Software editor. The award ceremony was held on Friday, May 11, at the Temple of Hadrian in Rome. Information about the award is available at: http://www.pirelliaward.com/news0705b.html. The winning entry is at: http://www.jce.divched.org/JCESoft/CCA/pirelli/. Congratulations to John Moore and the JCE staff for this recognition of their outstanding outreach and education efforts!