Chemistry graduate students use virtual ‘zine to bridge gap between arts and science

Although art and science are commonly viewed as two completely unrelated ventures, over the years, their coexistence has been realized as more compatible than immiscible. Graduate students from the Department of Chemistry, through their recently established art and literary magazine, are advocating for this interdisciplinary approach and the benefits it renders. The Benzine, besides being a great pun, is a platform for the chemistry community to share their art, build a sense of community and alleviate stress.

Ogorek wins NDSEG fellowship from DOD

Ashley Ogorek (Martell) won a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship from the Department of Defense. This highly competitive fellowship fosters training in science and engineering disciplines of military importance for US citizens. Only …

Wickens wins Faculty Early Career Development award from NSF

Prof. Zachary Wickens has won a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation. With this Award, the Chemical Synthesis Program of the NSF Division of Chemistry is supporting Wickens and his students, whose research enables the rapid and sustainable access to molecules integral to the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries.