Richard Ferdinand “Dick” Fenske, age 82, of Las Vegas, passed away Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2011. Richard was born May 23, 1929, in Milwaukee, as one of 10 children to the late Bernard and the late …
Year: 2011
Professor Helen Blackwell Wins Romnes Award
We’re very pleased to inform you that Professor Helen Blackwell was selected one of two Romnes Awardwinners on campus. Congratulations, Helen!
University of Wisconsin Professor Bassam Shakhashiri Becomes President of World’s Largest Scientific Society
Bassam Shakhashiri will start his term as the new ACS President for 2012 starting on January 1st, 2012. Way to go Bassam!
Linda Zelewski Recognized as an Honored Instructor
Linda Zelewski was recognized as an Honored Instructor by students living in University Housing for making a significant impact on their educational experience. Students nominated Linda for her “extraordinary way of simplifying very complicated topics …
Complete List of Chemistry Recipients of Honored Instructors Awards
Here is a list of all Chemistry Staff who were nominated as Honored Instructors. Aaron Smith – Andy Pham – Angel M. Abruña-Rodríguez – Arne Ulbrich – Brett Marsh – Brian Dolinar – Cale Weatherly …
Brian Esselman Wins 2011 Campus-Wide Teaching Award
Brian Esselman, a grad student in Professor Bob McMahon’s group, has won a 2011 Campus-Wide Teaching Assistant Award for Innovation. Brian was nominated by Dr. Nick Hill for his MIU-funded work on the development and …
Rosana Pérez-Ellmann; Kat Myhre; Ed Vasiukevicius Win L&S Classified Awards
Each year, the College of Letters & Science gives 5 awards for excellence to classified staff members. It gives us a very great pleasure to announce that for 2011-12, 3 of those 5 awards are …
Danny Fredrickson Wins Presidential Early Career Award
Assistant Professor Danny Fredrickson has just won one of the 94 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals in the …
Professor Kyoung-Shin Choi Joining UW Chemistry In Fall of 2012
We are pleased to report that Professor Kyoung-Shin Choi will be joining us as a Full Professor. Professor Choi and her research group will arrive in Fall 2012. Professor Choi comes to us from …
Professors Reich – Skinner – Hamers Win ACS Awards
We are delighted to report that three of our faculty have won national ACS awards this year: Professor Hans Reich wins the James Flack Norris Award in Physical Organic Chemistry. Professor Bob Hamers wins the …