Wisconsin Public Television will telecast the 2007 Christmas Lecture on: Friday, December 21st, at 4:30 p.m.; Sunday, December 23rd, at 8:00 a.m.; Monday, December 24th, at 12:30 p.m.; Tuesday, December 25th, at noon; Friday, December …
Year: 2007
Professor Laura Kiessling selected as the recipient of the 2008 Wilbur Lucius Cross Medal from Yale University
Please join us in congratulating Professor Laura Kiessling on her selection as the recipient of the 2008 Wilbur Lucius Cross Medal from Yale University. The Wilbur Lucius Cross Medal is an honor presented each year …
Assistant Professor Tehshik Yoon Receives a UW Research Service Award
We send our congratulations to Assistant Professor Tehshik Yoon for his receipt of a UW Research Service Award! Research Service Awards are granted to junior faculty who have major service commitments outside of their own …
Katie Patridge Receives a 2008 Abbott Graduate Fellowship
Congratulations to Katie Patridge on her receipt of the 2008 Abbott Graduate Fellowship in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. This provides a one-year full graduate fellowship. Katie is a student in Tehshik Yoon’s group. Congratulations to Katie!
Matt Bierman Awarded the 2007-2008 Air Products Graduate Fellowship
Congratulations to Matt Bierman as the recipient of the 2007-2008 Air Products Graduate Fellowship. The fellowship provides a 9-month scholarship for a graduate student doing research in areas of interest to Air Products Corp. Congratulations …
Helen Blackwell Awarded the James W. Taylor Award for Teaching Excellence
We are delighted to announce that Helen Blackwell is the recipient of this year’s James W. Taylor Award for Teaching Excellence. Helen will be recognized and give her award address on Friday, Feb. 15th as …
Josh Coon Receives the Eli Lilly Analytical Chemistry Young Investigator Award
Congratulations to Josh Coon for receiving the Eli Lilly Analytical Chemistry Young Investigator Award! This award provides $50,000/yr in unrestricted funding, renewable for a second year. It is an extremely competitive and prestigious award that …
Professor Walter Blaedel Dies
Some of you may have known Walter Blaedel, who was a faculty member of our department many years ago. Walt passed away last week, and his obituary was reported in yesterday’s paper. Walter J. Blaedel …
Professor Thomas Brunold Finishes in 10th Place in Wisconsin Ironman Competition
This year’s Wisconsin’s Ironman had 2,200 competitors in its field. The event is one of the most grueling in the world – 2.4 miles of swimming, followed by 112 miles of cycling, then a 26.2 …
Diane Nutbrown Wisconsin Section the ChemLuminary Award
Congratulations to Diane Nutbrown (Graduate student, Burstyn, Moore) for spearheading the effort that won the Wisconsin Section the ChemLuminary Award for Best Event Involving the Student Affiliates at the Boston ACS Meeting. The Award Ceremony …