Original Research Proposal Examination (RP)
The examination will consist of a written proposal and an oral defense. The details about the exam are here: RP Requirements.
- Deadline 2024-25:
- November 11, 2024, at 9AM is the deadline for 1-page summary; January 17, 2025 deadline for oral defense (signed warrant by January 20 at 12PM) .
- RP Extension Deadline (Must be approved by PI and GPO): February 24, 2025 at 9AM is the deadline for 1-page summary; April 25, 2025 deadline for oral defense (signed warrant by May 9 at 12PM).
- Submit the RP 1 Page Summary here
- Email the RP 1 Page Summary to your mentoring committee for review.
- Note: If your one-pager needs revision, or a new one-pager is requested, submit the revised/new document directly to your thesis committee for review and wait for your advisor’s guidance on next steps.
- Schedule the RP Oral Exam directly with your Mentoring Committee
- Reserve the room and inform your Committee
- Add doctoral minor: go to Graduate Student Portal, select Add/Change Programs, request to add the minor. If minor was completed through chemistry breadth courses, please select “Distributed GMIN” for minor. (Note: students admitted Fall 2022 or later are not required to complete a minor.)
- Request a Warrant at least 3 weeks before your Oral Exam. You can check your Warrants status here
- Email the RP Evaluation Form to the committee for the Oral Exam.
- After the Oral Exam:
- Submit the RP Evaluation Form and your RP here.
- Request signatures for your warrant through the Graduate Student Portal, select My Student Information, find the warrant, and under Actions, select Email Members.
- If you need an RP Extension, please fill out this form and submit it here.
Entrance to PhD Candidacy – Dissertator Status
Successful completion of the RP, along with the other program requirements (TBE, coursework) will complete the requirement for admission to candidacy, i.e., dissertator status.
RP 1-Page Summary and Full Report Examples:

Enrollment Credit Requirements
See the Registrar for deadlines related to course enrollment.
Dissertators (3 credits; fall and spring semesters; summer term)
- 3 credits research (Chem 990, section of your PI)
Non-dissertators (maximum 15 credits; minimum 8 credits; fall and spring semesters)
- Lecture Courses to satisfy the core and minor requirements or of general interest
- 1-12 credits research (Chem 990, section of your PI)
- 1 credit group meeting (Chem 980, section of your PI)
- 0 credits seminar (analytical – Chem 920; chembio – any; chem educ res – any; inorganic – Chem 900; materials – Chem 920; organic – Chem 940; physical – Chem 960)
Non-dissertators (2 credits; summer term)
- 2 credits research (Chem 990, section of your PI)