Third Year of PhD Program

Original Research Proposal Examination (RP)

The examination will consist of a written proposal and an oral defense. The details about the exam are here: RP Requirements.

  1. Deadline 2024-25:
    • November 11, 2024, at 9AM is the deadline for 1-page summary; January 17, 2025 deadline for oral defense (signed warrant by January 20 at 12PM) .
    • RP Extension Deadline (Must be approved by PI and GPO): February 24, 2025 at 9AM is the deadline for 1-page summary; April 25, 2025 deadline for oral defense (signed warrant by May 9 at 12PM).
  2. Submit the RP 1 Page Summary here
  3. Email the RP 1 Page Summary to your mentoring committee for review.
    • Note: If your one-pager needs revision, or a new one-pager is requested, submit the revised/new document directly to your thesis committee for review and wait for your advisor’s guidance on next steps.
  4. Schedule the RP Oral Exam directly with your Mentoring Committee
  5. Reserve the room and inform your Committee
  6. Add doctoral minor: go to Graduate Student Portal, select Add/Change Programs, request to add the minor. If minor was completed through chemistry breadth courses, please select “Distributed GMIN” for minor. (Note: students admitted Fall 2022 or later are not required to complete a minor.)
  7. Request a Warrant at least 3 weeks before your Oral Exam. You can check your Warrants status here
  8. Email the  RP Evaluation Form to the committee for the Oral Exam.
  9. After the Oral Exam:
    1. Submit the RP Evaluation Form and your RP here.
    2. Request signatures for your warrant through the Graduate Student Portal, select My Student Information, find the warrant, and under Actions, select Email Members.
  10. If you need an RP Extension, please fill out this form and submit it here.

Entrance to PhD Candidacy – Dissertator Status

Successful completion of the RP, along with the other program requirements (TBE, coursework) will complete the requirement for admission to candidacy, i.e., dissertator status.

Enrollment Credit Requirements

See the Registrar for deadlines related to course enrollment.

Dissertators (3 credits; fall and spring semesters; summer term)

  • 3 credits research (Chem 990, section of your PI)

Non-dissertators (maximum 15 credits; minimum 8 credits; fall and spring semesters)

  • Lecture Courses to satisfy the core and minor requirements or of general interest
  • 1-12 credits research (Chem 990, section of your PI)
  • 1 credit group meeting (Chem 980, section of your PI)
  • 0 credits seminar (analytical – Chem 920; chembio – any; chem educ res – any; inorganic – Chem 900; materials – Chem 920; organic – Chem 940; physical – Chem 960)

Non-dissertators (2 credits; summer term)

  • 2 credits research (Chem 990, section of your PI)