Upcoming Theoretical Chemistry Seminars:
Theoretical Seminar: Prof. Christine Isborn (University of California - Merced) @ 11:00 am 1315 Seminar Hall
Theoretical Seminar: Prof. David Limmer (University of California - Berkeley) @ 11:00 am 1315 Seminar Hall
Theoretical Seminar: Roel Tempelaar (Northwestern Univerisity) @ 11:00 am 1315 Seminar Hall
Endowed Seminar Information
Endowed, fund-supported seminars enable us to bring recognized and prestigious researchers to the Department of Chemistry. This allows our students, post-docs, and faculty to hear about the latest groundbreaking discoveries from around the world.
Joseph O. Hirschfelder Prize Fund
The Joseph O. Hirschfelder Prize Fund was created on February 5, 1993, by gifts from Elizabeth (Betty) Hirschfelder in memory of her late husband, Professor Joseph Hirschfelder. Betty Hirschfelder received a doctorate in Math in 1930 from the University of Wisconsin.
The fund focuses on supporting lectures within the Department of Chemistry. It both honors Joseph O. Hirschfelder and the Prize recipient, and promotes intellectual interaction between the prize-winner and members of TCI, the P-Chemistry division, the Chemistry Department, and the University.