Mentoring Committee Form

After discussing your choices with your PI, please fill out the Mentoring Committee Form. Please list 5 faculty members (not including your PI) in rank order (1 – highest and 5 – lowest) whom you would like on your mentoring committee by November 1 of your 2nd year. Please consider a wide range of faculty as many faculty would be appropriate for your committee selection. It is not necessary to contact the faculty inside the department that you select to be on your committee before you submit the form. Please contact the affiliate faculty and faculty outside of the department before you add them to your selection form. The committee will be composed of your PI and 2 other faculty. The highest ranked non-PI faculty member will serve as the chair of the mentoring committee. There is a comment box on the form. It is important to indicate if you are collaborating with faculty you listed on the mentoring form or if there are reasons why a specific faculty member should be on your committee. The Graduate Student Office will create the mentoring committee from your selections and the availability of the faculty. You will be notified in November about members of your mentoring committee.