The Department of Chemistry guarantees all students who are admitted to the Ph.D. program either a teaching assistantship (TA) or a research assistantship (RA) at 33.33 percent time or higher, for their first year (12 months). The yearly level of support for graduate students (including TA or RA stipend) in the Department of Chemistry, beginning Fall 2025, is $36,235.
Tuition remission, which simply means that your full tuition payment is covered, is also included for all graduate assistants (including TAs and RAs) who hold appointments at 33.33 percent time or higher, as well as graduate fellowships administered by UW-Madison and some graduate fellowships administered outside of UW-Madison. Graduate students must pay University Segregated Fees, which amount to approximately $1,900 for the 2024-25 academic year (depending upon course hours enrolled). If students serve as teaching assistants and are non-native English speakers, this guarantee of support is contingent on meeting the university’s standards for spoken English proficiency.
Provided the graduate student remains in good standing in the graduate program and the teaching or other assigned responsibilities are performed well, this guarantee provides support for a period of five continuous academic years.
Additional details about TA or RA appointments will be provided with incoming students’ official offer letters.
Health Insurance
Graduate assistants, including TAs and RAs, and graduate fellows have the option to receive excellent benefits through the university’s state group health insurance plan. This is the same health insurance that covers faculty and staff. For 2024-25, the typical state group health (HMO) insurance rates for graduate assistants are $56/month for an individual or $138/month for a family (including spouses, domestic partners, and children).
For individuals and families who need to the flexibility to select specific health care providers, or who need to access health care throughout Wisconsin or nationwide, the Access Plan provides a second option for coverage through the state group health insurance program. For 2024-25, the monthly rates for the Access Plan are $133.50 for individuals and $331.50 for families. More information about state group health insurance plans is available through the HR, Payroll, and Benefits website.
Additional Funding
Various other funding opportunities are available, including University Fellowships, Biotechnology Traineeships, and Chemistry-Biology Interface Traineeships.
For automatic fellowship consideration, submit your complete application to the Graduate School by the departmental deadline, Dec. 1.