Fifth Year & Beyond of PhD Program

Year-End Meeting – If you are not graduating until your 6th year

Students who have not set a date for their dissertation defense by the end of their fifth year will meet with their mentoring committee members. This meeting is designed to provide a summary of progress and to establish a timeline for completion of work required the Ph.D. degree. The Fifth-Year Mentoring Committee Form should be completed by the student and the research advisor and be provided to the mentoring committee members before the meeting. The student should also provide an updated CV to the mentoring committee. The meeting includes a brief (~10 minute) presentation of the student’s research to the mentoring committee (open to others, if desired), followed by a closed discussion of results and future plans between the student and committee members. The 5th committee meetings should be completed by May 31. Once completed, please submit the Fifth-Year Mentoring Committee Form here.

Enrollment Credit Requirements

See the Registrar for deadlines related to course enrollment.

Dissertators (total 3 credits; fall and spring semesters; summer term)

  • 3 credits research (Chem 990, use the section of your PI)