Chemistry Education Seminar: Prof. Ira Caspari-Gnann (Tufts University)

1315 Seminar Hall
@ 3:30 pm

Prof. Ira Caspari-Gnann Title: Valuing Multiplicity in Chemistry Learning Bio: See here. Abstract: In university chemistry classrooms, we often center and ascribe more value to certain ways of thinking, speaking, and doing, while others are …

Chem Ed-McElvain – Prof. Lama Jaber (Florida State University)

1315 Seminar Hall
@ 3:30 pm

Prof. Lama Jaber Title: Affect, empathy, and responsive teaching: Towards a more compassionate and dignity-affirming vision for science teaching and learning. Abstract: When learners sense that their cultural, experiential, emotional, and other sensemaking repertoires are …

Chem Ed Seminar – Prof. Nicole Graulich (Institut für Didaktik der Chemie)

@ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Prof. Nicole Graulich Title: “Promoting Students’ Visual Attention and Reasoning Processes in Chemistry – from Eye-Movements to Argumentation Processes” Abstract: This seminar talk will illustrate how chemistry education research explores future technologies to support students …