Chem Bio-McElvain – Prof. Michelle Chang (Princeton University)

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1315 Seminar Hall
@ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Prof. Michelle Chang

Title: Synthetic biology approaches to new chemistry

Abstract: Living systems have evolved the capacity to carry out many chemical transformations of interest to synthetic chemistry if they could be redesigned for targeted purposes. Our group is interested in using synthetic biology as a platform to study how enzymes function in vivo and to use this understanding to build new synthetic pathways for the production of pharmaceuticals, materials, fuels, and other chemicals using living cells.

Bio: Michelle is a professor in the Department of Chemistry at Princeton University. She received her Ph.D. from MIT, and her postdoctoral training at UC Berkeley. She started her independent career in 2007 at UC Berkeley and will move her group to Princeton University this summer.

Host: Carly Masonheimer