Students who are unable to complete coursework by the end of the semester due to extenuating circumstances may request from the instructor the assignment of the temporary grade of “I” (Incomplete). Graduate students are allowed the subsequent semester of enrollment to complete the coursework and should work with the instructor to determine a plan for completion of the coursework during that time period. If the work is not completed after this period, the Graduate School will place the student on academic probation and a hold will be put on their account preventing the student from enrolling in the next semester. Students with outstanding incomplete grades cannot receive dissertator status or be granted a degree.
At the end of the subsequent semester, the department recommends that course instructor change the Incomplete grade to the appropriate letter grade or change to a Permanent Incomplete (PI)*.
The Chemistry GPO will work with the instructor of the course to submit a grade change request with an explanation or reason for changing the grade from I to PI or to the appropriate letter grade.
The Graduate School policy for incomplete grades is here.
*Students may be allowed to receive a Permanent Incomplete (PI) for the course, if the work is no longer relevant, the instructor of a course is no longer at the university, or a change of program makes completion of the work unnecessary. The student can graduate with PI’s on their transcript.