The Wright Group focuses on using nonlinear spectroscopy as a tool to study a vast array of different molecular and material states–from low-energy vibrational modes of proteins to excitonic and ionized states of quantum dots and everything in between–and their coherent dynamics.
Month: August 2024
Yang Group
The Yang Group’s research focuses on theoretical and computational chemistry, with two primary areas of interest: 1) developing hardcore theoretical methods in multicomponent quantum chemistry and 2) applying these methods to chemical, biological, and materials systems.
Yethiraj Group
The Yethiraj Group research focuses on theoretical studies of soft condensed matter.
Yoon Group
The central goal of research in the Yoon Group is to develop strategies for the controlled synthesis of complex organic molecules.
Zanni Group
The Zanni Group studies topics in biophysics and the energy sciences using 2D IR spectroscopy.
Aquatic Chemistry research group (Affiliate)
Dr. Remucal’s Aquatic Chemistry research group works in two major areas.
Attie Laboratory (Affiliate)
The Attie Lab works on multi-disciplinary projects centered around metabolic disease.
Feng Group (Affiliate)
The Feng Group focuses on the development of novel solid electrolytes and cathode materials for high-power and high-energy-density electrochemical energy storage devices.
Forest Laboratory (Affiliate)
The Forest Lab studies biological interactions at the molecular level and is particularly interested in the structures, functions, and mechanisms of bacterial proteins with consequences to prokaryotic physiology and symbiosis with eukaryotes.
Ge Laboratory (Affiliate)
The Ge Lab’s research is trans-disciplinary and cuts across the traditional boundaries of chemistry, biology, and medicine.