Berry, John
Bertram, Timothy
Blackwell, Helen
Boydston, AJ
Brunold, Thomas
Burstyn, Judith (Chair)
Cavagnero, Silvia
Choi, Kyoung-Shin
Coon, Joshua
Ediger, Mark
Fredrickson, Daniel
Gellman, Samuel
Hamers, Robert
Hermans, Ive
Jin, Song
Landis, Clark
McMahon, Robert
Moore, John
Nathanson, Gilbert
Record, Thomas
Schmidt, Jordan
Schomaker, Jennifer
Schwartz, David
Shakhashiri, Bassam
Sibert, Edwin (Associate Chair)
Smith, Lloyd
Stahl, Shannon
Weaver, Susanna Widicus
Weix, Daniel
Woods, Claude
Yethiraj, Arun
Yoon, Tehshik
Zanni, Martin
Associate Professors
Boydston, Andrew
Garand, Etienne
Goldsmith, Randall
Assistant Professors
Buller, Andrew
Martell, Jeffrey
Pazicni, Sam
Stowe, Ryan
Wang, Tina
Wickens, Zachary
Yang, Yang
Affiliate Professors
Feng, Dawei (Assistant Professor in Materials Science and Engineering)
Forest, Katrina (Professor of Bacteriology)
Ge, Ying (Professor of Cell and Regenerative Biology)
Gilbert, Pupa (Professor of Physics)
Golden, Jennifer (Assistant Professor of Pharmacy)
Gong, Shaoqin Sarah (Professor of Biomedical Engineering)
Gopalan, Padma (Professor of Materials Science and Engineering)
Hoskins, Aaron (Associate Professor of Biochemistry)
Kuech, Thomas (Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering)
Li, Lingjun (Professor of Pharmacy)
Lynn, David (Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering)
Mecozzi, Sandro (Professor of Pharmacy)
Middlecamp, Catherine (Professor, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies)
Pedersen, Joel (Professor of Soil Science)
Schreier, Marcel (Assistant Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering)
Tang, Weiping (Professor of Pharmacy)
Yu, Lian (Professor of Pharmacy)
Chemistry Electronics Shop
Thompson, Blaise (Instrument Tech)
Chemistry Machine Shop
Martin, Mathew (Instrument Maker–Advanced)
Mullarkey, James (Instrument Maker–Advanced)
Myers, Steven (Machine Shop Supervisor)
Schneider, Kendall (Instrument Maker–Advanced)
Paul Bender Chemistry Instrumentation Center (CIC)
Clewett, Cathy (Senior Instrument Technologist)
Fry, Charles (Director of the NMR Laboratory)
Guzei, Ilia (Director of the X-Ray Laboratory)
Hofstetter, Heike (Associate Director of the NMR Laboratory)
Shanks, Robert (Senior Instrument Technologist)
Vestling, Martha (Director of the Mass Spectrometry Laboratory)
Research Support Staff
Bates, Desiree (Computational Chemistry Leader)
Drier, Tracy (Master Glassblower)
McGuire, Paul (High Performance Computing Systems Administrator)
Silver, Alan (Computer Systems Administrator)
Contact Information
College of Letters & Science
Chemistry Location on Campus
Erin Grunewald, Graduate Coordinator
2110 Chemistry Building
1101 University Ave., Madison, WI 53706
Francisca Jofre (she/her), Graduate Director
608-262-0363; toll-free 888-997-2436
2108 Chemistry Building
1101 University Ave., Madison, WI 53706
Tehshik Yoon, Director of Graduate Studies
5317A Chemistry Building
1101 University Ave., Madison, WI 53706
Graduate Program Handbook
View Here
Graduate School