Diversity Resources

Diversity and Leadership Opportunities

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Chemistry Graduate Student-Faculty Liaison Committee (GSFLC)

Visit GSFLC website.
View a list of members of GSFLC .

The GSFLC is represents the needs of graduate students and postdocs to faculty and staff. This group coordinates events throughout the year, including the Snout Out, TGIFs, travel grants, PfLAGS, mentor awards, listening sessions, an alternate career seminar, a biennial climate survey, and outreach to the broader community.

Committee members: GSFLC includes students, postdocs, staff, and faculty.

Students in Chemistry for Inclusive Representation (SCIRep)

Sign up for the SCIRep email list.

SCIRep hosts student-led discussions and other events regarding equity and inclusion in graduate school, focusing both on the field of chemistry as a whole and on this department in particular. The group’s current focus is to share information and strategies about gender bias in science, with an emphasis on utilizing these strategies effectively now and in future careers. Student volunteers lead monthly discussions; attendees are encouraged to participate in the discussions. Postdocs, staff, and faculty of all genders, in addition to graduate students, are invited to attend meetings.

Join the SCIRep Facebook group to stay current on events and interesting articles.

Stem Diversity Network

stemdiversity.wisc.edu | 608.263.1593

While several programs on campus offer support to students, faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds, the STEM Diversity Network is a place designed to help all interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers specifically.  This network exists to aid the academic and social advancement of students (undergradgradpostdocs) in STEM by providing students with connections to other students, faculty, and resources available to help them succeed.

Multicultural Graduate Network (MGN)

grad.wisc.edu/diversity/multicultural-graduate-network | 608.890.4731 | mgn@grad.wisc.edu

Sign up for the MGN email list by emailing join-mgnlistserv@lists.wisc.edu.

Housed within the Graduate School, the MGN is a social and networking group devoted to learning and professional development. This organization was originally created to serve the needs of graduate students of color and has recently grown to be an inclusive network for all graduate students on the UW-Madison campus.

Multicultural Student Center (MSC)

msc.wisc.edu | 608.262.4503 | 716 Langdon Street, Red Gym, Second Floor

The primary mission of the Multicultural Student Center is to collaboratively strengthen and sustain an inclusive UW-Madison campus where all students, particularly students of color and other historically underserved students, feel valued and appreciated.

SACNAS Student Chapter

win.wisc.edu/organization/sacnas | 608.890.0108

SACNAS is a national society dedicated to advancing Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in science and to promoting cultural diversity in the U.S. academic environment. All UW-Madison undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in STEM fields may join SACNAS.

Contact: Ahna Skop, faculty advisor, skop@wisc.edu

NOBCChE Student Chapter

https://www.facebook.com/pg/NOBCChEUW/about/ | 910.297.3807

NOBCChE is a national organization devoted to the professional advancement of black chemists and chemical engineers. The UW-Madison chapter of NOBCCHE accepts memberships from both undergraduate and graduate students interested in chemistry and other STEM fields.

Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute (WISELI)


WISELI is an on-campus institute dedicated to promoting women scientists. The WISELI website hosts a useful collection of general and sexual-harassment-related information.

Graduate Women in Science (GWIS)


GWIS is a national organization that advances the participation and recognition of women in science and devoted to fostering research through grants, awards, and fellowships. The UW-Madison chapter provides a network for connecting female scientists across campus.

Learn about the GWIS graduate student representatives at http://www.gwisbeta.org/about-gwis/officers/.

LGBT Campus Center

lgbt.wisc.edu | 608.265.3344

This center offers several programs to support LGBT students on campus and provides training to help make classrooms and departments more inclusive. The LGBTCC staff members also organize a number of special interest groups, including one for graduate students.

Other Resources

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International Student Services


International Student Services (ISS) offers a wide variety of services and programs to international students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The ISS staff provides information and programs to international students about the campus and community and provide support and assistance concerning visas and related immigration issues.

Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement


DDEEA supports the mission of the University of Wisconsin–Madison as it works to create a diverse, inclusive, and excellent learning and work environment for all students, faculty, staff, alumni, and others who partner with the university.

TAA (Graduate Student Union)


The TAA is the labor union representing all graduate student workers at UW-Madison.

McBurney Disability Resource Center

mcburney.wisc.edu | 608-263-2741 | mcburney@studentlife.wisc.edu

The goal of the McBurney Center is to obtain special accommodations for on-campus students with a documented disability.