Climate Resources

Conflict Resolution

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Chemistry Staff with Open Doors

Available to: everyone in the Department

If you don’t know who to talk to, the staff members below have offered to be available to help you with general and specific concerns. They are sure to provide a listening ear and treat your individual circumstances with privacy and respect, no matter how big or small.


  • Matt Sanders, executive director,, Room 1126
  • For TAs/FAs: Jeanne Hamers, undergraduate chemistry director,, Room 1328A

Chemistry Active Listeners (Climate/Diversity/Equity)

Feel free to contact John Berry and Heike Hofstetter.
Available to: everyone in the Department

The goal of the Chemistry Active Listeners is to address individual concerns of harassment or
specific issues on climate raised by members of the Department of Chemistry. If you experience
or observe incidents that you perceive as harassment or detrimental to the department climate,
we encourage you to contact (email, meeting, etc) any member of the Chemistry Active Listeners.
Whatever you say will be kept confidential and no actions will be taken without your express
permission (except as required by Federal and State regulations). The members of the committee can serve as sounding boards, but they also will work with you to find a solution that addresses your concerns. Their familiarity with campus resources is a key asset in helping to ensure an accepting and productive departmental climate.

Climate/Diversity Committee

View a list of members (faculty, staff and students) of the Climate/Diversity Committee
Available to: everyone in the Department

The goal of the Climate/Diversity Committee is to ensure that the Chemistry Department has a welcoming environment, address individual and general concerns regarding climate, and develop strategies to increase overall well-being and diversity within the department. All members of the Climate/Diversity Committee welcome your input and suggestions, and are happy to assist you with any needs and concerns pertaining to gender, ethnic, cultural, racial, and any other types of biases. Your comments will be kept confidential at your request (except as required by Federal and State regulations). The committee includes graduate students, faculty, and staff of diverse ethic and cultural origins.

Chemistry Anonymous Suggestion Box (must be connected to the chemistry network)
Available to: everyone in the Department

A completely anonymous online comment box is available for anyone in the department to use.

Office of Equity and Diversity (OED) | 608.263.2378
Available to everyone

Students can file complaints and discuss both subtle and major gender, ethnic, and cultural biases with OED. OED does not involve any personnel from the Chemistry Department. OED also offers workshops to train TAs and students.


  • Steven Appell, OED complaint investigator,
  • Luis Piñero, OED director

University Ombuds Office | 608.265.9992 (leave a message)
Available to faculty and staff

Ombuds are emeritus university faculty or staff who work confidentially and independently from university administration. They can listen to your concerns, clarify procedures, discuss options, and if requested and appropriate, serve as an intermediary in disputes.

Additional information on the above and other resources can be found  at

Dean of Students Office | 608.263.5700

This office is committed to fostering a caring environment for all students.  Responsibilities include the Bias Reporting Process, addressing Sexual Assault, Dating, and Domestic Violence, as well as many other issues affecting student wellbeing.

Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards | 608.263.5700

This office upholds every student’s right to learn in a community that is safe, and fosters integrity and accountability. Policies cover student academic and non-academic procedures, residence hall expectations and protest policy.

Hostile and Intimidating Behavior

A new website providing an overview of policies and campus resources touching on all aspects of “bullying”.


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University Health Services (UHS) | 608.265.5600



The YOU portal from UHS connects to personalized online tools and campus resources on stress management, the campus community, fitness/nutrition, relationships, sleep, current academic status, etc. Create a confidential profile. This resource is available to anyone with a NetID (faculty, staff and students).


This is a comprehensive wellness initiative aiming to advance the health and wellbeing of the entire campus community by promoting existing resources.

Employee Assistance Office (EAO) | 608.263.2987
Available to everyone who receives a paycheck from UW-Madison

The EAO is a resource to confidentially assist UW-Madison employees (anyone who receives a paycheck, including faculty, staff, postdocs, TAs, and RAs) and their immediate family members or significant others who are having difficulty with personal or work-related issues and concerns. Trained professionals will provide support and help you make a plan of action, if requested. Contact with the staff of the EAO is confidential with limits governed by Federal and State regulations.


SilverCloud is an online, self-guided, interactive resource that provides UW faculty and staff with no-cost, confidential help for mental health issues and stress management programs 24 hours a day. SilverCloud offers self-guided excercises to help employees change beliefs and behaviors so they are thinking and feeling better. SilverCloud’s evidence-based learning modules address, e.g., anxiety, depression, body image, and stress.

Faculty and staff: