Course Description
CHEM 344 introduces the student to the basic synthesis, purification, and characterization techniques of organic chemistry, along with critical interpretation of experimental data. CHEM 344 covers material from both CHEM 343 and CHEM 345 lecture courses. All of the critical course information can be found in the CHEM 344 laboratory manual and on the course website. Learn@UW will be used as a gradebook for each individual section maintained by your laboratory TA.
CHEM 344 Course Announcements
CHEM 344 Spring 2018 Lecture/Experiment Schedule*
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday |
22-Jan No Class |
23-Jan No Class |
24-Jan Spectroscopy I |
25-Jan Spectroscopy I |
29-Jan Spectroscopy II |
30-Jan Spectroscopy II |
31-Jan Spectroscopy III |
1-Feb Spectroscopy III |
5-Feb WebMO I |
6-Feb WebMO I |
7-Feb WebMO II |
8-Feb WebMO II |
12-Feb Spec/WebMO Exam |
13-Feb Spec/WebMO Exam |
14-Feb Extraction I |
15-Feb Extraction I |
19-Feb Extraction II |
20-Feb Extraction II |
21-Feb Oxidation/TLC |
22-Feb Oxidation/TLC |
26-Feb Aerobic Oxidation |
27-Feb Aerobic Oxidation |
28-Feb QUIZ 1 |
1-Mar QUIZ 1 |
5-Mar SN1 |
6-Mar SN1 |
7-Mar E1 |
8-Mar E1 |
12-Mar E2 |
13-Mar E2 |
14-Mar Review |
15-Mar Review |
19-Mar Midterm Exam |
20-Mar Midterm Exam |
21-Mar SNAr |
22-Mar SNAr |
26-Mar No Class |
27-Mar No Class |
28-Mar No Class |
29-Mar No Class |
02-Apr EAS nitration |
03-Apr EAS nitration |
04-Apr Benzoin Reduction |
05-Apr Benzoin Reduction |
09-Apr QUIZ 2 |
10-Apr QUIZ 2 |
11-Apr Benzoin Acetal |
12-Apr Benzoin Acetal |
16-Apr Wittig |
17-Apr Wittig |
18-Apr Review |
19-Apr Review |
23-Apr Grignard |
24-Apr Grignard |
25-Apr Review |
26-Apr Review |
30-Apr QUIZ 3 |
01-May QUIZ 3 |
02-May Review |
03-May Review |
07-May No Class |
08-May No Class |
09-May Final Exam 10:05 AM |
10-May No Class |
Course Grade Information
The grades in CHEM 344 are assigned based upon achievement demonstrated in lab reports, TA-written discussion quizzes, and course-wide exams. Due to the variablity in grading, with up to 33 different TAs per semester, your scores will only be judged directly in comparison to those students in your laboratory section. Your final letter grade will be assigned by Dr. Hill and Dr. Esselman based upon your achievement relative to the other students and in consultation with your TA. Historically, the average letter grade in CHEM 344 has been a B. Shown below is the final grade distribution in Spring 2015, which was a typical semester. All student scores are displayed with their grades adjusted to the mean and standard deviation of their section. The percentage of students who earned a particular letter grade is shown next to each letter.
Course Instructor Contact Information
Laboratory Director | Assistant Laboratory Director |
Dr. Nicholas J. Hill | Dr. Brian J. Esselman | | |
B330A Chemistry | B324A Chemistry |
608-262-2306 | 608-262-1479 |